MGW Corporate Consulting Group Sp. z o.o. [Ltd.] is an Independent External Valuator established in 2009, a specialist asset valuation company providing a market-leading valuation service.

We are an effective and reliable partner for Investment Fund Companies and Depositaries in the valuation of assets, ALSO EXPERIENCED IN PROVIDING FUND ASSET VALUATION SERVICES IN LUXEMBOURG.

Our team comprises almost 40 professionals with many years of financial market experience. Due to the firm's dynamic growth, our team is constantly growing. MGW CCG's leaders bring expertise from top management positions in recognized financial institutions or consulting firms. The consistently high quality of our work and knowledge has earned us a strong reputation.

Benedykt Wiśniewski

  • Managing Partner, Board Member of MGW Corporate Consulting Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Court expert in business valuation at the District Court in Warsaw, Poland
  • Member of the Audit Committee at Finexia CFO Association
  • Member of the Luxembourg Valuation Professionals Association (LVPA)
  • Member of the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA)

Member of MGW CCG Management Board, Managing Partner supervising Valuation, Banking Advisory, and Business Consulting teams. For over 13 years, he has reviewed and personally accepted more than ten thousand valuations of companies, debt portfolios, and other financial assets.

He has over 26 years of experience in management positions and has published extensively on topics related to finance and leasing; he was the former Vice President of PKO Leasing SA (formerly BFL SA), responsible for the financing organization (assets of PLN 2.6 billion), cooperation with PKO BP Bank in cross-selling, sales services, and fleet management. At MGW CCG, he is an expert in collaboration with financial institutions.

Master's degree in International Economic and Political Relations from the University of Lodz. In 2005, he also graduated from the Executive MBA program jointly organized by the University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business, and the University of Lodz.


M. +352 661 476 850

M. +48 603 803 439

Piotr Zaczek

  • MGW Country Head Luxembourg
  • Expert in depositary services for alternative and retail funds

Joined MGW in September 2023 and is responsible for the development and growth of the Luxembourg office. At the same time, he has successfully managed AIF Depositary services at the Luxembourg branch of Q Securities S.A. since 2020. He has held various board positions in Luxembourg-based AIFMs and funds.

Piotr is responsible for MGW's business development in the Grand Duchy, representing the company in professional associations and maintaining relationships with prospective clients based in Luxembourg.

With three decades of career, he brings in-depth knowledge of Depositary services, fund valuation, and management skills. He holds an M.A. in Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics and an Executive MBA from the University of Montreal-SGH.

Among his most notable professional achievements is establishing one of Poland's first custodian and depositary banks in 1995. He also established and managed the Custody and Depositary Services at Deutsche Bank Poland and later at Deutsche Bank Luxembourg for 20 years. He's one of the key people behind Q Securities obtaining the first AIF Depositary license for a MiFID investment firm after it started operations in Luxembourg in 2020.


M. +352 621 382 477

Paweł Kolman

  • Valuation Team Director in MGW Corporate Consulting Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Member of the Association Of Chartered Business Valuers in Poland.

For several years at MGW CCG, he has been responsible for an analytical team that provides company valuation services and bond valuations following an issuer credit event (insolvency) for statutory and transactional purposes.

Doctorate in business valuation from the University of Economics in Wroclaw. Expert in the valuation of financial assets and enterprises. He has 16 years of professional experience gained in financial institutions (PKO BP, TU Europa Capital Group, and Doradcy24) and consulting companies in the field of debt portfolio management, preparation of analytical reports on listed companies (sell-side), transaction consulting (M&A) and debt advisory.


M. +48 739 905 611

Piotr Zaleś

  • Team Leader NPL Valuations

Team Leader of NPL Valuations in MGW Corporate Consulting Group Sp. z o.o. At MGW CCG, he is a debt portfolio valuation expert and team leader responsible for the work of individual financial analysts within the NPL valuation team.

He has over 8 years of experience in the valuation of debt portfolios on the Polish market, gained in financial institutions. He has extensive experience in building valuation models for debt portfolios. He has performed valuations of various debt portfolios.

Marcin Meyer

  • Project Manager Company Valuations

Senior Financial Analyst/Project Manager. Many years of experience in the field of company valuation (asset valuation of investment funds, transactions, financial reporting, management information, and M&A processes) and investment projects (cost-benefit analysis for obtaining EU funds for transport infrastructure projects), gained, among other things, in WYG International Sp. z o.o. (now Databout Sp. z o.o.) and Trio Management Corporate Finance Sp. z o.o.

Graduate with a Master's Degree in Management specializing in Accounting and Controlling-a graduate of postgraduate studies - methods of company valuation at the Warsaw School of Economics.